
Firstly, it’s essential to understand that protein is not primarily a source of energy. Typically, we don’t utilize it as fuel unless under starvation conditions, where protein gets converted into glucose and used for energy. If we ingest excess protein in fed state then it gets stored as fat and we pee out some.

Question: Why do we need protein?

Proteins play crucial roles in regulating gene expression, forming the structural components of cells, regulating the immune system, and constituting the major components of muscle tissue. Therefore, its significance cannot be understated.

Personally, I consider its role in regulating the immune system as particularly critical, given the prevalence of various ailments, viruses, infections, and inflammations in our lives.

For vegetarians: Plants contain all the essential amino acids necessary for our diet, similar to animals. However, the distribution of these amino acids may vary.

Ques: Can we consume protein in excess? And do we?

The chances for excess protein consumption are very low for any average Indian person. However if we are building muscles and advised wrongly then you may be consuming extra protein. Example: rounded muscles and bulked up lads in the gyms we see are typical examples of excess protein.

Question: How significant is the distribution of amino acids for an average individual?

In general, the distribution of amino acids is not a concern as long as one consumes all nine essential amino acids required from the diet. This basically means that if you are having a home cooked Indian diet then there are good chances that you are meeting your protein requirement easily.

Question: When does amino acid distribution become significant?
Certain amino acids like methionine or leucine, which may be relatively low in plant-based sources, are crucial for muscle protein synthesis and need to be consumed in sufficient quantities to trigger synthesis. However, in adequate food intake, they are likely meeting the body’s demands for all amino acids.

Low appetite individuals may need to consume enough food to fulfill their amino acid profile. Overall, a typical Indian diet comprising various vegetables, legumes, grains, etc should suffice to meet amino acid requirements regardless of being a vegetarian.

Question: What if appetite is low?
In such cases, individuals should either increase their food intake to meet required amino acid levels or consider supplementing with whey or plant protein. Considering Indian society’s genuine inclination towards dairy; whey protein is a brilliant supplement for those who are not able to meet their protein requirements.

Question: Do elderly individuals require more protein?
Protein requirements do not decrease with age. However, aging affects the body’s efficiency in synthesizing and utilizing proteins, often leading to reduced dietary intake. Consequently, elderly individuals should aim for a higher percentage of protein in their diet, compensating for overall lower calorie consumption. For instance, if one currently consumes 15 to 20% protein, they may need to increase it to 20 to 30% (of their total calories intake) in old age.

Question: Is whey protein a suitable supplement for elderly individuals?
Yes, whey protein can be beneficial, but it’s crucial to monitor the quantity consumed. Again, given Indian society, our genetics, our natural inclination towards plants; I would recommend slightly lesser amount, such as less than one scoop (30gms), can help assess digestion and avoid feeling bloated. My mother (76 years) felt bloated when she took full scoop whereas she feels ok around 20 grams. So it really depends on individual.

Question: Is there an optimal timing for protein consumption?
The timing of protein intake throughout the day isn’t critical for most individuals. I have experimented with it and it really doesn’t matter. However, for those consuming protein to address deficiencies and weight loss, I recommend consuming whey protein as breakfast. Also for those individuals who feel bloated, ingesting protein empty stomach can help a lot with digestion and otherwise.

Ques: What’s wrong with plant protein?

Ques: What’s wrong with whey protein?

Ques: Which one is superior?

Its a bit like arguing which diet or food is best. They both contain same amino acids. Its upto your taste, culture, or individual choice. I would go with ‘whey’ unless you have a reason to not consume dairy. Or due to any personal reason you feel bloated on any then try changing the protein source can help you understand the issue.

Ques: Then what matters?
Quality of protein. If you are looking to lose weight then try consuming Isolate form. Otherwise ‘whey’ is just as food. I consume whey protein and thats what I recommend. Isolate is more for body builders or people who are allergic to say gluten in case of whey protein. Or people who wants to restrict their calories.

Ques: Human body requirements as per researches?

There is so much conflict on the subject in scientific community that its almost impossible to gauge the real understanding of protein for a layman. After extensively reading and listening to experts on both sides (plant advocates & animal protein fans), experimenting (on myself and clients), and via observational studies; here is my take:

For survival – btw 0.8 grams to 1gram per kilo of body weight
For building muscles – btw 1.2 grams to 1.6 grams per kilo of body wt.

Ques: What’s my recommendation?

1gram per kilo of body weight for survival

1.2 grams per kilo of body for anybody who is building muscles

1.6 grams per kilo for young lads who are going for hypertrophy and doing some serious weight training. But this is purely for muscles and it doesn’t benefit anywhere else.

Ques: Caution?

Only with regard to weight. If you start to gain weight with protein intake then look into your calories and adjust for it. There is nothing protein can do wrong unless there is a pathological condition that inhibits protein digestion or cause any other discomfort.

Ques: Can we store protein?


Ques: Do I need protein in all my meals?

Not necessarily. But do we eat any food without protein? All foods that we eat have protein in different quantities. So there is no need to be obsessed about it. Just make sure you are consuming enough food or taking a supplement wherever your appetite is low.