Putting up a few pictures of hip joint to help you visualise the bone joint, the ligaments giving robustness to the structure, and muscles that move it. And what would be their state if they persistently move in a strained way via their surrounding musculature.

While this concept applies to injuries in general, let’s dive into the role of biomechanics from a re-injury perspective. In my experience, one of the most prevalent causes of injuries is improper biomechanics during movement. I read an insightful article recently that emphasized the significance of modifying the mechanical strain on muscle (biomechanics) during movement for the same reasons.

Here is the link if you like to check it: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01925-x

Allow me to take a deeper dive into this, specifically focusing on bone joints and the impact on ligaments, tendons, fascia, and other connective tissues on these joints. Your thoughts are welcome.

Consider a scenario where a muscle sustains an injury, undergoes repair and rehab, and is reintegrated into sporting activity. If biomechanics played a pivotal role in muscle strain injury, then it becomes apparent that this strain also affected the joint and its associated structures. While changes may be made to the muscle itself upon repair, the status of the bone joint structures often remains unaltered. Example: A tendon pull on the muscle is same as it was before. We have repaired the muscle to be pulled, not the pull itself. Now if the pull starts putting the similar strain on the surrounding structures as before, the situation at the joint stays the same. Unless addressed, this ongoing joint strain will eventually put stress on the muscle(s) again, on ligaments and tendons, and even on the nuanced sliding movements within the joint. This makes a compelling argument that the joint restriction-induced strain could be a factor contributing to the risk of a muscle re-injury. We may like to think that we can attend to ligaments, tendons or other joint structures muscularly, but it is only possible when we interrogate the subject from the joint angle—biomechanics. There are a lot of muscles involved, both directly and indirectly, at a joint.

Also because joint dysfunction, can dramatically alter the quality of human movement. #biomechanics

Optimal motion is achieved when both arthrokinematic and osteokinematic motions occur in the appropriate directions, proportions, and magnitudes. Maintaining Optimal arthrokinematic motion during osteokinematic motion is the result of a combination of forces from passive and active structures by Dr Brent Brookbush

If movement is indeed the root cause of the strain, then the only way to achieve comprehensive joint structure healing is by modifying the mechanical strain—essentially, the biomechanics of movement. And could incorporating joint mobilization techniques (by an expert, obviously) into rehab, help heal the structure at the joint? Absolutely yes and I am sure the practice is been followed by experts.

However, it would be fair to submit that regardless of the rehab process an expert follows, say, manipulation of the joints, it seems that without implementing the mechanics strategy (biomechanics), the likelihood of recurrent joint issues putting strain on the rehabilitated part or any other part is likely, especially given the demands of sporting movements?

Conclusion: Joint mobilizations and manipulations can help heal the joint structures and proper biomechanics can ensure they are not strainged again. Proper joint functioning would lead to less strain on the muscles, and proper biomechanics of the movement will assist in proper pull at the muscle via proper joint movements of course. #biomechanics

Lastly, this article is more to emphasise on the need to work on biomechanics of the movement. Looking at it from joint manipulation angle helps understand the value of biomechanics in sports more.